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Category Archives: Health Articles

New Year, New You

January 22, 2019 by Holly Ruge, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Welcome 2019! Welcome fresh starts, dry January’s, green smoothies, personal training sessions, goal setting, saving money, “officially on my new diet”, reading new books, all things good and beneficial. But how long do they last? Business Insider Reports, “According to U.S. News approximately 80% of […]

Stay Healthy for the Holidays

It’s the time of year to be grateful, thankful and well, full. Or maybe being satisfied instead of full would feel better than having to change into our “Thanksgiving Pants” this holiday season? Here are some Healthy Dining Tips for the Holidays: Stay hydrated. Many people confuse hunger for dehydration. Don’t fill up on food […]

Will You Eat The Candy?

The Holidays are coming! For some, the dread of temptation of sweets and treats lingers, but they allow themselves one mini chocolate bar or one of Aunt Sally’s delicious Christmas Cookies. For others, the “it’s Halloween and I’ll just have one mini chocolate bar” turns into 2, then 3 and oh, what the heck, let’s […]

Feel Better with Keto: The Health Benefits of a Low Carb or Ketogenic Diet

Many patients at AcuCare Total Health have complaints of fatigue, non-specific body or joint pains, general malaise or “not feeling well”.  They have previously been to various doctors only to find after standard blood tests and physical exams that there is nothing abnormal in their report.  Dr. Renee McMurry proposes that these complaints can often […]

One Size Fits All Approach to Nutrition

True or False, John and Jane can eat the same exact diet and attain the same results? If you said False, because John is male and Jane is female, let’s try this one… True or False, Jane and Jill can eat the same exact diet and attain the same results? Hmmm, part of you wants […]

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