New Year, New You
January 22, 2019
by Holly Ruge, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Welcome 2019! Welcome fresh starts, dry January’s, green smoothies, personal training sessions, goal setting, saving money, “officially on my new diet”, reading new books, all things good and beneficial. But how long do they last?
Business Insider Reports, “According to U.S. News approximately 80% of resolutions fail by the second week in February.” Odd how that lines up perfectly with “the Big Game”, huh?! #bringonthechipcommercials
Not odd, though, considering we sometimes set too many goals for ourselves. Goals that pertain to changes in our lifestyle that we haven’t consistently implemented long enough to create a new habit. Goals that, although good and beneficial, are overwhelming when we don’t break it down into small achievable steps and have unrealistic expectations.
“I need to lose 30lbs by February 1.” (Step into a gym for the first time in over 6 months).
“I’m going to have a green smoothie for breakfast every morning!” (And by 10am, still grabbing the donut at work.)
“My new gluten free diet started, so I can’t eat the donuts at work anymore.” (As the bag of gluten free pretzels and cookies sits on their desk).
I’m impressed with motivation that comes with a new year and even more that people realize changes they want to make in their life. But you can’t do it alone.
Having a plan and accountability is crucial… and knowing the changes you want to make are realistic for your body and your lifestyle. That’s where Nutrition Coaching comes into play. If the new year motivation is real, and you are committed, you can create a new you this year!
For anyone ready to make a change, create a plan and have accountability on your journey schedule an appointment at AcuCare Total Health for a Nutrition Consultation. I’d love to work with you!
AcuCare Total Health 847-888-3131
Happy New Year!
Coach Holly
Integrative Nutrition Health Coac